Trotter Inc.
Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of December 14, 2024, 11:25:52 AM CST or prior.
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Market Commentary
Cotton Falls on Friday to Close the Week with Losses -
Cotton futures ended the Friday session with loses of 71 to 86 points, as March slipped 84 points this week. The outside markets were mixed factors, Cattle Head into the Weekend Mixed -Live cattle futures held gains of 22 cents to $1.52 in the front months on Friday, with deferreds 17 to 25 cents lower. February was up $5.85 on the Hog Bulls Gain Back Ground on Friday -Lean hog futures rallied to close out the week, with contracts up 97 cents to $1.35 and Dec rolling off the board up 17 cents. February was up just Corn Pressured on Friday, Hold Weekly Gains -Corn futures ended the week on a lower note, as contracts were down 1 ¾ to 2 ¾ cents at the close with Dec rolling off the board. Despite the late Soybeans Fall on Friday -Soybeans ignored the export business reported this morning, as contracts were down 5 3/4 to 8 ¼ cents to close out the day. January ended the week Full commentary... |